Coyote in Yellowstone - Kodachrome 64

Shiras Moose Bull, named for the pioneer 19th century wildlife photograher, George Shiras III. Known as the father of wildlife photography for his nightime work and use of flash, he also served for a couple years in the Pennsylvania state house.

Jellyfish - Monterey Bay Aquarium -California

Spring snowstorm with Bison in Yellowstone

Subzero morning with coyote. Fujichrome Velvia 50

"Steambath" Bison in scalding water - Excelsior Geyser - Yellowstone

Coyote and Beaver skulls - Elk Antler Auction - Jackson Hole

Ruffed Grouse - Fuji Velvia 50

Bull Elk in Yellowstone - circa 1984 Kodachrome 64

Mountain Bluebird in the Fall - Yellowstone. Fuji Velvia 50 with a kiss of flash.

“About an Hour Old” - Trumpeter swan with chick. The moment he hatched Mom coaxed him into the pond where he bobbed around like a cork for 10 minutes. Then it was out of the water to dry in the sun. I spent more than a week waiting for this memorable event. Fuji Velvia 100 film.